Putan Club

March 03, 2025 - New album release


"Filles d'octobre"
CD / Double vinyle


Toten Schwan Records

putan club




Playlist videos


Bandcamp Filles de Mai



Putan Club Debauchery



The Putan Club boycotts Spotify

"The Putan Club is not only listened to : you have to frequente it." (Mondo Sonoro, E) -Extracts videos live, Warsaw.

« How did we miss this? A band is taking the roof off the venue. Like a crush collusion between Young Gods, NIN, and even the early Ants when things get tribal with their more chanting ethno vocals

and big rhymes, Putan Club have an astonishing and original sound and the live show is enormous. The audience is transfixed by the Italian/French two-piece who are so perfect and so stunning

that you stand there open-mouthed at their brilliance. Putan Club are a stunning revelation. A medusa curls haired woman dealing bass filth with a perfect groove and a bequiffed man on guitar twitching with expectation. They then literally just explode. Their drum machine takes up the rhythm chores and the seering catchy riffs are delivered with a noisenik venom and raw power.

There is the clank and grind of industrial and the forward vision of post-punk and an almighty groove of death disco crunching into primal funk.

They are the best band that I should have heard of. The band are now an LTW priority that you must listen to. Now! »  John Robb - LOUDER THAN WAR (UK)

"...Every Putan Club gig is a kick in the face of modern music and its industry. ...They are defiant not because it’s cool to do so,

but because that is what they are at their core : non-conformists... Insubordination : that is Putan Club..." MUSIC & RIOTS MAGAZINE (UK)

"Putan Club, a duo from Italy and France are the last act of the night and holy shit do they blow the top off the Hard Club for Amplifest 2022 (P).

Playing in the middle of the room, they create an immersive and interactive experience for the crowd who grow wilder and fill the space as the bassist and guitarist seductively fill the space

while weaving in and out of amplifesters, letting out tribal whoops and howls to a thumping beat lit by a sultry, hellish lighting.

Self-described as ElectronicIndustrialAvantRockTechnoEthnoWorldSauvagerie and really, it makes perfect sense by the culmination of their set which has resulted

in an unexpected invigorating metaphorical orgy complete with bleeding ears and shell shock which results in an immediate stampede

to the merch stand." Amplifest 2022. Review from ASTRAL NOIZE (UK). Thanks Abi Coulson and Darktones Photography .

"...The Putan Club exists precisely to cross borders, challenge limits, stir consciences, overthrow dogmas, prejudices and formatting,

developing during each concert a manifesto of irreverence and libertinism which involves -literally- the public in a turmoil to which it is difficult to remain indifferent.(....)

This Franco-Italian duo but from and to the whole world, forges what goes through their heads, from rock to techno, from jazz to avant-punk and world music,

in a viral and very contagious experience that dared to defy the resistance of the participants of a long and intense festival day.

And despite everything, the public did not stop making the revolution in a performance that invites and incites just that.

It was impossible to find a better closing concert for this second day of Amplifest 2022..." LOUD! MAGAZINE (Portugal, review after Amplifest Festival 2022)

...we were even more excited by the performance of the Putan Club (...) Each concert represents a new opportunity to establish passionate dialogues. (...)

Band in the middle of the public, public in the middle of the band - down with the hierarchies but euphoria of an irreverent informality - always in the company of the traditional (but strongly subversive) cauldron of explosive and frenetic sounds: avant-rock , industrial, techno, ethno and whatever else you want to add - the recipe is as anarchic as they are.

The result ? An epic ritual atmosphere, the ultimate celebration of a utopian harmony that the world has never succeeded in establishing, but which this fantastic duo seems to constantly bring together. Here, everyone danced, celebrated and experienced the wild…saying a better goodbye to Amplifest 2022 was impossible."TRESHOLD MAGAZINE (P)

"Tend not to have heroes but you are mine ! Dark poets fighting a dirty world that goes in the opposite direction with the spirit of the warrior ,dragging them selves to the next performance to spread art, revolution, awareness and riot to the most forgotten and peculiar places of the world !pure souls , hardcore , starving for knowledge and self improvement , hardworking,

a daily inspiration for the limbo destined people that will never live their life at full with no compromise what so ever ! Love you guys! Viva il Putan Club !"  MARCO LOMBARDI

"...Daudzo ārvalstu mūziķu koncertu lavīna šogad ir kā līdz galam vaļā atgriezts skābekļa krāns, no kura plūstošo tagad caur nule atmaskoto degunu jāvelk iekšā, cik plaušās vietas, jo tā vēl nekad nav bijis, ka pie mums viena gada laikā taisās Dead Can Dance, The Cure, Sparks, Iron Maiden, Placebo, Eagles Of Death Metal, Gogol Bordello, Sigur Ros, Stings, Rošīna Mērfija u.c. Bet tie visi ir lielie koncerti, kur mēs dāsni atveram makus aiz gadu desmitiem ilgas cieņas pret šiem mūziķiem, kaut nekādu personisku kontaktu, loģiski, nedabūsim, jo ja visi, kuri pēc tā alkst, metīsies virsū, tad no tiem elkiem nekas pāri nepaliks. Tāpēc ļoti noderīgi ir pasekot līdzi, kas notiek mazākās vietās, jo dažādu iemeslu dēļ ne visiem, kas pie mums brauc, izdevies sasniegt Arēna Rīga vai vismaz Palladium mērogu, un varbūt viņiem tas nemaz nav bijis vajadzīgs, nevis nav izdevies? Paliekot neatkarīgiem no lielās šovbiznesa mašinērijas ar desmitiem starpnieku, savu klausītāju un to, ka viņš ir tev pateicīgs, var sajust daudz tiešāk, protams, ja no tā nav paniski bail.Otrdien Diagonālē uzstājās Putan Club - duets no Francijas un Itālijas, kur katrs no aptuveni divdesmit klausītājiem uz pusotru stundu kļuva par izredzēto, jo pat skatuves nebija un abi dueta dalībnieki svinēja savu mežonīgo rokenrola un reiva ballīti kopā ar publiku visu koncerta laiku. Ja lielās zvaigznes, satraukto drošībnieku stutētas un turētas aiz vadiem, reizēm mēdz iejukt pūlī koncerta kulminācijas brīdī, tad Putan Club kulminācijas līmeņa mērinstruments, ja tāds būtu, visu laiku kūpētu no pārkaršanas. Ja kādam vēlme ar klasificēšanu nodarboties, Putan Club iemet sejā penteri “FeministIndustrialAvantRockWorldTechnoSauvagerie” - tieciet ar to galā paši vai ejiet ieskrieties! Nopirku arī plati, bet tās bildi nelikšu, jo facebook tad mani, iespējams, nobloķētu uz kādu nedēļu. Ja man Dāvis Kaņepe par šo koncertu nepateiktu, es to palaistu garām un nemaz nenojaustu, ka turpmāko mūžu vadu maķenīt nabagāks, tāpat kā tie liepājnieki, kuri palaidīs garām savu iespēju– ceturtdien (28.04) viņi atbrauks spēlēt arī pie jums. Ne Wiktorijā vai Kursas Putnos, Fontaine Palace vai Lielajā Dzintarā (protams), bet kādā vietā, kur nekad neesmu bijis (Wise - adrese: Alejas 9, Liepaja, Latvia-3401). Vietējie zinās. Progresīvie gan jau zinās labāk par tiem regresīvajiem. Šī nav partijas reklāma..."

ULDIS RUDAKS, Rīgas, Latvia.

I did not make the revolution so that my daughter goes to prostitute herself …

... G20 fuck off !!!

Houssem H. - Révolution, Tunisia 2011

When the government violates the rights of the people, the uprising is, for the people and for every portion of the people,

the most crowned right and the most indispensable of the duties.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1793, article 35.

The World rots in a well-being which is only egoism, stupidity, lack of education, gossip, moralism, constraint, conformity :

to contribute in any way to this decay is, maintaining, the fascism.

Pier Paolo Pasolini, in Vie Nuove n.36, sept. 1962

Macht man Kunst, um Geld zu verdienen und die netten Bürger zu streicheln?

Tristan Tzara, 1918

Se perdre. Sûrement ce qu’il y a de mieux dans la vie. La plupart ne se perdront qu’au moment de mourir. Et il ne perdront pas grand’chose. 

To get lost. Surely the best thing to do in life. Most will only be lost when dying. And they will not lose much.

Supporting ideas of grassroots-level self-organizing, mutual aid, solidarity, sustainable development, animal-friendly lifestyles, anti-authoritarianism, autonomy, feminism & revolution and other initiatives that aim to create a more just and free society. If you oppose any form of social discrimination and views that generate discrimination, hatred or division and you support people saying no to racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, party politics, capitalism and organized religion, I suggest to keep in touch.

Nota Bene: the PUTAN CLUB is  NOT a  PUNK band, but takes everything it needs: avant, techno, ethno, jazz, metal, classical......... 
The Putan Club is a  

filles de mai


Album « filles de mai » released by  toten schwan records.


Formats:    CD / LP (180 gm) + download code / DL & Streaming

t-shirt putan club

poster putan club
Artwork Igor Hofbauer