press cuts

    press cuts


Pic: Marcus Hiersemann

(...) Poi arrivano quelli che si fanno la foto con la pronipotina di Mussolini e vai con il minuetto (...) No, non tutti (...) Un'altra razza (...) Una potenza di suono e una solidita compositiva che a quelli che non l'hanno mai visti dal vivo fa rimpiangere le occasioni perse par pigrizia e ignoranza. (...) Musica indispensabile, idee indispensabili (...)  (...) Then come those who take a picture with Mussolini's great-granddaughter and off you go with the minuet (...) No, not all of them (...) Another breed (...) A power of sound and a compositional solidity that makes those who have never seen Putan Club live regret the opportunities lost through laziness and ignorance. (...) Indispensable music, indispensable ideas (...)  Giuseppe Aiello, BLOW UP (I)

How did we miss this? A band is taking the roof off the venue. Like a crush collusion between Young Gods, NIN, and even the early Ants when things get tribal with their more chanting ethno vocals and big rhymes, Putan Club have an astonishing and original sound and the live show is enormous. The audience is transfixed by the Italian/French two-piece who are so perfect and so stunning that you stand there open-mouthed at their brilliance. Putan Club are a stunning revelation. A medusa curls haired woman dealing bass filth with a perfect groove and a bequiffed man on guitar twitching with expectation. They then literally just explode. Their computer takes up the rhythm chores and the seering catchy riffs are delivered with a noisenik venom and raw power. There is the clank and grind of INDUSTRIAL and the forward vision of POST-PUNK and an almighty groove of DEATH DISCO which bites into RAW AFRICA then crunch into PRIMARY SAVAGERY. They are the best band that I should have heard of. The band are now an LTW priority that you must listen to. Now !!!

Comment avons-nous pu raté çajusqu'aujourd'hui ? ...Une collision amoureuse entre Young Gods, Nine Inch Nails et les premiers Ants quand les choses deviennent tribales et ethno, le Putan Club développe un son étonnant et original - et le concert est énorme. Le public est subjugué par le duo italo-français, si parfait et époustouflant qu'on en reste éclaté. Le Putan Club est une révélation détonante. Une fille aux cheveux de méduse qui roule la crasse de sa basse avec un groove parfait et un connard à la guitare qui jette l’enfer. Ils explosent, littéralement. Leur ordinateur prend en charge les corvées rythmiques tandis que les riffs accrocheurs sont livrés avec un venin noisenik et une puissance brute. Il y a le cliquetis et la mouture de l'INDUSTRIEL et la vision avant-gardiste du POST-PUNK ainsi qu’un groove tout-puissant de TECHNO-ASSASSINE qui croque dans l’AFRIQUE BRUTE et la SAUVAGERIE ORIGINELLE. C'est le meilleur groupe dont j'aurais dû entendre parler. Une priorité.  John Robb, LOUDER THAN WAR (UK)

So what’s so special? Two things. First, the music and second, the attitude which informs it. The combination is why there’s no one else quite like François Cambuzat and Gianna Greco. …Drone? Industrial? Postpunk? Avantpunk? Doom? Aggressive-ambient-rock? FeministIndustrialAvantRockWorldTechnoSauvagerie ? …You could just as easily categorise them as ‘world music’ given that underneath the bludgeoning and exhilarating volume lie some intricate non-Western rhythms and accents – Arabian nights and North African days… Pretty damn noisy world music, to be sure, but it’s as good a label as any, if you need one. …Whatever the label, it’s definitely great.... So forget music industry categories. Putan Club are loud. Putan Club are relentless and often heavy. Putan Club play electric guitar and bass over deceptive drum rhythms and percussion tracks programmed with exacting care. Putan Club herd and intimidate their audience, somehow without a trace of aggression. Putan Club sing with throat-killing intensity. Putan Club sweat for their music. Putan Club’s music makes it impossible to stand still. As for the attitude… in a post-performance/pre-encore ‘speech’, the inimitable François R. Cambuzat explains their stance: eschewing record labels, ignoring the traditional music media, steering clear of “boring” Northern Europe, playing up to 150 shows per year (many in China, Asia, Africa…) and making it work quite nicely, thank you very much....a sense of immersion in sound and attitude to which you can do nothing but submit. … And finally, at the risk of embarrassing them both, in conversation François and Gianna also seem to be two of the most unassuming, charming and lovely people I’ve ever met. In the 21st century, there’s no need for contrived unpleasantness or cult of personality, just music that moves the listener expressed without restraint… Dave Foxal, A JAZZ NOISE (UK)

Une démarche d'acier, sans compromis ni compromission, et un extraordinaire rayon d'action mondial, c'est évidemment magnifique...

A steely approach, without compromise neither concession and an extraordinary global scope of action, that is obviously magnificent... SONGAZINE (F)

Il duo franco/italiano aggiunge un altro devastante tassello alla sua demolizione progressiva delle convenzioni sonore. Il nuovo è dal vivo, registrato in Portogallo all’Amplifest. Drum machine, chitarra, basso, distorsione, tutto è estremo, riduttivo definirlo noise, siamo oltre. Ci sono echi post punk che arrivano da chi a suo tempo aveva incominciato a prendere a mazzate il suono più ovvio: Killing Joke, Public Image LTD, Theatre Of Hate. Ma anche riferimenti al tribalismo sperimentato nelle varie esperienze africane della band, industrial, pura e semplice attitudine punk. Il famoso o li si ama o li si odia bene si addice ai Putan Club. Noi li si ama incondizionatamente. The French/Italian duo adds another devastating piece to their progressive demolition of sound conventions. The new one is live, recorded in Portugal at Amplifest. Drum machine, guitar, bass, distortion, everything is extreme, it’s reductive to call it noise, we’re beyond that. There are post punk echoes that come from those who in their time had begun to take a beating on the most obvious sound: Killing Joke, Public Image LTD, Theatre Of Hate. But also references to the tribalism experienced in the band’s various African experiences, industrial, pure and simple punk attitude. The famous either you love them or you hate them suits Putan Club well. We love them unconditionally. Antonio Bacciocchi, Radio Coop (I)

Una serata in loro compagnia vi cambia l’approccio alla musica. Dopo, nulla potrà essere più come prima. Parole forti? Solo per chi non li ha mai incontrati. Assistete ad una loro performance, e poi mi darete ragione...un’esperienza multi-sensoriale unica... un opera di distruzione degli stereotipi sonori, in ogni loro forma...energia dei rituali adorcistici...tempesta di industrial, techno, ritualistica, etnica, tribale, e noise, il tutto in un muro di dissonanze... È l’occasione per spazzare via tutta quella decadenza morale che fa rima con egoismo, ignoranza e conformismo... il tentativo (riuscitissimo) di ostentare fieramente un modello difforme rispetto ai dettami imposti. Una rivolta a tutti gli effetti, una ribellione, un atto sovversivo... Il Putan Club ha scelto di andare a sondare quelle che sono le periferie che stanno ai confini del conosciuto, ai margini dell’immaginabile, del pensabile e del tangibile, in modo da accendere il fuoco della rivolta con il fuoco della scoperta, della conoscenza, della presa di posizione scomoda, anticapitalistica, antigovernativa. E un album come “Filles d’Octobre” rappresenta perfettamente la loro scelta di vita. Siamo nel pieno di un fine vita irreversibile, ma forse, possiamo ancora provare a invertire la rotta. E, se, eutanasia dovrà essere, speriamo almeno che sia accompagnata dal suono del Putan Club. An evening in their company changes your approach to music. Afterwards, nothing will ever be the same again. Strong words? Only for those who have never met them. Attend one of their performances, and then you will agree... a unique multi-sensory experience... a work of destruction of sound stereotypes, in all their forms... energy of adorcistic rituals... storm of industrial, techno, ritualistic, ethnic, tribal, and noise, all in a wall of dissonances... It is the opportunity to sweep away all that moral decadence that rhymes with selfishness, ignorance and conformism... the (very successful) attempt to proudly flaunt a model that differs from the imposed dictates. A full-fledged revolt, a rebellion, a subversive act... The Putan Club has chosen to explore the peripheries that are on the borders of the known, on the margins of the imaginable, the thinkable and the tangible, in order to light the fire of revolt with the fire of discovery, of knowledge, of taking an uncomfortable, anti-capitalist, anti-government position. And an album like "Filles d'Octobre" perfectly represents their choice of life. We are in the midst of an irreversible end of life, but perhaps, we can still try to reverse the trend. And, if, euthanasia must be, let's at least hope that it is accompanied by the sound of the Putan Club.  Marco Valenti, Grind On The Road (I)

Il ventre gravido del club apolide esplode dopo un minuto e mezzo di apparente bonaccia che serve solo per detonare l’esplosivo di "Etat du capitalisme francais", riff quadrato come fosse un vecchio monolite dei Rage Against the Machine ma che si trasforma subito in una sorta di ruota dentata che maciulla i testicoli dei potenti.(...) Chitarra, voci, campanacci e un basso antropofago che trascinano con loro tutti i calcinacci e le macerie di un mondo alla deriva. Quando suona il Putan Club, ne puoi sentire il fracasso barbarico immerso in una placenta di marciume elettronico, di quello che in genere viene usato per abbellire e che invece diventa qui massa calcarea di aspra durezza. (...) Musica dissidente ed implacabile, quella del duo italo/francese. Che non conosce la compiacenza e adora il disordine, punto convergente fra passato e futuro, zona di collasso dell’idea stessa di un altrove geografico. (...) Il Putan Club ha fecondato una terra dove la felicità non è posticcia e la rabbia non ammaestrabile. Senza nessuna bandiera piantata al suolo. Libera e selvaggia.

The pregnant belly of the stateless club explodes after a minute and a half of apparent calm that only serves to detonate the explosive of "Etat du capitalisme francais", a square riff like an old monolith by Rage Against the Machine but which immediately transforms into a sort of cogwheel that crushes the testicles of the powerful. (...) Guitar, voices, cowbells and a cannibalistic bass that drag with them all the rubble and debris of a world adrift. When the Putan Club plays, you can hear its barbaric din immersed in a placenta of electronic rot, of the kind that is usually used to embellish and that instead here becomes a calcareous mass of harsh hardness. (...) Dissident and implacable music, that of the Italian/French duo. That does not know complacency and adores disorder, a convergent point between past and future, a collapse zone of the very idea of ​​a geographical elsewhere. (...) The Putan Club has fertilized a land where happiness is not fake and anger is not tame. Without any flag planted in the ground. Free and wild.   REVERENDO LYS (I)

Putan Club, a duo from Italy and France are the last act of the night and holy shit do they blow the top off the Hard Club for Amplifest 2022 (P).  Playing in the middle of the room, they create an immersive and interactive experience for the crowd who grow wilder and fill the space as the bassist and guitarist seductively fill the space while weaving in and out of amplifesters, letting out tribal whoops and howls to a thumping beat lit by a sultry, hellish lighting. Self-described as TransgenderFeministElectronicIndustrialAvantRockTechnoEthnoWorldSauvagerie and really, it makes perfect sense by the culmination of their set which has resulted in an unexpected invigorating metaphorical orgy complete with bleeding ears and shell shock which results in an immediate stampede to the merch stand.  ASTRAL NOIZE (UK). Thanks Abi Coulson and Darktones Photography .

...The Putan Club exists precisely to cross borders, challenge limits, stir consciences, overthrow dogmas, prejudices and formatting, developing during each concert a manifesto of irreverence and libertinism which involves -literally- the public in a turmoil to which it is difficult to remain indifferent.(....)  This Franco-Italian duo but from and to the whole world, forges what goes through their heads, from rock to techno, from jazz to avant-punk and world music, in a viral and very contagious experience that dared to defy the resistance of the participants of a long and intense festival day. And despite everything, the public did not stop making the revolution in a performance that invites and incites just that. It was impossible to find a better closing concert for this second day of Amplifest .    LOUD! MAGAZINE (P)

...we were even more excited by the performance of the Putan Club (...) Each concert represents a new opportunity to establish passionate dialogues. (...) Band in the middle of the public, public in the middle of the band - down with the hierarchies but euphoria of an irreverent informality - always in the company of the traditional (but strongly subversive) cauldron of explosive and frenetic sounds: avant-rock , industrial, techno, ethno and whatever else you want to add - the recipe is as anarchic as they are. The result ? An epic ritual atmosphere, the ultimate celebration of a utopian harmony that the world has never succeeded in establishing, but which this fantastic duo seems to constantly bring together. Here, everyone danced, celebrated and experienced the wild…saying a better goodbye to Amplifest festival was impossible. TRESHOLD MAGAZINE (P)

Putan Club. Projecto de François R. Cambuzat de L’Enfance Rouge e Gianna Greco de Itália. Espectáculo de narrativa noise, em que o ritmo em contratempo alternou com um andamento mais atmosférico. Cambuzat colocou-se em frente à mesa de som, recebendo o som do PA como se fosse a munição de palco, enquanto Greco se dispôs em frente ao palco, ambos cá em baixo no meio do público, agarrando uma rede de ruído que ora nos puxava para um lado ou para o outro do recinto. Foi incrível a forma como os artistas combinaram a actuação, pois não se viam. Cambuzat pedia insistentemente para subir o som, com o seu jeito francês, fazendo um gesto circular e olhando para o chão, tipo, “não tás a ver que não há limite para o ruído?” – obviamente o som estava no prego. Greco, compenetrada, ou até mesmo em transe, agitava o baixo como se de um ceptro de druída se tratasse.  Paulo Piedade Rodrigues , ARQUITECTURA DO RUIDO (PT)

La loro è una corsa inarrestabile che non conosce soste e non rallenta nemmeno per un istante privandoli di tutte le energie che hanno in corpo… sono scene a cui non sono assolutamente più abituato e che avevo dimenticato… Se vi capita di averli a tiro dalle vostre parti non esitate, ve ne pentireste per sempre.
Merci Putan Club.  Marco Valenti, TRITACARNE (I)

Os membros François Cambuzat e Gianna Greco estão longe de serem comuns artistas ao vivo e a sua música ainda mais longe de ser definida por estilos… Longe de serem punks ou rockeiros, os Putan Club são donos de um som feroz, sujo, pesado e muito muito sensual pelas suas batidas eletrónicas profundas… uma verdadeira festa de transe… WAV MAGAZINE (P)

Tend not to have heroes but you are mine ! Dark poets fighting a dirty world that goes in the opposite direction with the spirit of the warrior ,dragging them selves to the next performance to spread art, revolution, awareness and riot to the most forgotten and peculiar places of the world !pure souls , hardcore , starving for knowledge and self improvement , hardworking, a daily inspiration for the limbo destined people that will never live their life at full with no compromise what so ever ! Love you guys! Viva il Putan Club !  Marco Lombardi (I/UK/R)

… Foi uma noite de empurrões, suores de sauna forçada e limpeza da cabeça… CHILI COM CARNE (P)

…E porquê todos estes louvores? Certamente, para tal bastaria o factor musical do projecto, que pega em géneros como o industrial, o noise e o punk e filtra-os sob suítes ritmadas e dançáveis, ao ponto de apelar até ao público mais desconfiado da música pesada. Porém, o grande destaque de um espectáculo ao vivo deste duo é a inversão territorial a que o mesmo dá azo, pois a banda em toda a sua irreverência troca o palco pela plateia, passeando pelo público de espectadores (e muitas vezes apelando ao espírito colaborativo do mesmo) enquanto envergavam as suas guitarras sem fios. Guitarras essas que se mostravam tão dinâmicos como os músicos, num constante soar frenético de riffs perfeitamente coordenados. … No entanto, fica a recomendação franca de mais uma testemunha sobrevivente desta tempestade musical de não perder a próxima actuação ao vivo dos Putan Club… Pedro Nora, RUC (P)

Every Putan Club gig is a kick in the face of modern music and its industry. …They are defiant not because it’s cool to do so, but because that is what they are at their core : non-conformists… Insubordination : that is Putan Club. MUSIC & RIOTS MAGAZINE (UK)

Grandiose ! Et d’une actualité féroce. … une résistance primordiale, vitale. Ces actions débridées, qu’ils téléguident aux quatre coins de la planète, sauvent leur fraîcheur expérimentale, intacte. Aucunes chapelles ne pourront les contraindre, cosaques de l’impossible, Djinns des grands espaces, ils gagnent au bras de fer, le prix de leur liberté. … carrière oscillant entre l’Art rock, le Post rock et tout ce que la contre-culture musicale a de meilleur… la déstructuration en règle du rock… D’une humilité à faire s’écrouler les pyramides, le Putan Club pose la question essentielle dans la dystopie masquée dans laquelle nous nageons : l’artiste a-t- il retrouvé son rôle premier d’agitateur convulsif, quand tout autour de lui part en cacahuète ? Putan Club le prouve. Thierry Grillet, L’INDEPENDANTt (F)

Putan Club: militanza sonora intransigente…. spinge la ricerca musicale ancora oltre, verso la danza tribale e la transe estatica, o possessione sciamanica… Tobia D’Onofrio (intervista) - XL REPUBBLICA (I)

O público rapidamente aderiu ao choque elé trico e sonoro proporcionado pelos Putan Club… uma performance brutal (e de muita interaç ã o com o pú blico), resultante da mistura e sobreposiç ã o de faixas e acima de tudo um reflexo da filosofia por trá s do projeto… THRESHOLD MAGAZINE (P)

… de chair et de sang, physique, instigué par un duo au mépris de la soumission… un manifeste rageur, strident, au verbe offensif… ne fait -surtout- pas dans la complaisance. La puissance est confondante, le ressentiment palpable. Tranchant. …frappe fort. Il est de ceux qui portent en eux la vérité. D’une attitude, d’un son, d’un combat. D’un refus de se plier. … s’adresse aux oppressés, aux laissés pour compte. A ceux que quotidiennement, on réduit dans leur être. … une arme. Redoutable. Tremblez, sombres connards qui gouvernent sans gouvernail. Il y a là de quoi vous mettre sur le flanc, tire au flanc que vous êtes. …Ils imprègnent et nourrissent la rancoeur, dépaysent aussi (l’ultime salve est, en ce sens, une perle intégrale). Sans égal, imparable et hautement musical. WILLSONIC (F)

The french and italian band Putan Club have been active for years and have toured in continents such as Africa and Asia. They also have a broad experimentation in music approaching di]erent genres and themes; Filles de Mai proves this as it brings straightforward feminist messages echoing the women of the 1968 revolution and also of other times. The album also talks about the sociopolitical and economic cancers that permeate us. … wondrous manifestos stimulating a unique experience for both mind and body… Larissa Oliveira, RIOT GRRRL IS NOT DEAD (BR)

En ces temps d'évolution, mêlés d'apathie où la caisse de résonance n'est plus la rue mais ton réseau social favori – qui valorise le social distancing - ; où la révolution est dans la cuisine (chacun goûte son pain!) et la rébellion, juste de façade ou imbécile. Il serait de bon aloi, de se plonger dans Les filles de mai. … à haut potentiel additif… mêle avec le même plaisir saturations, groove, beats indus, riffs rougeoyants, et techno. « Filles de mai » … un l'acte de résistance aux chapelles musicales bien établies. … Le refus systématique de la soumission et la soif de liberté emportent une fois de plus le combat contre le misérabilisme…COREandCO (F)

Italijansko-francoski 70-odstotni ženski trio Putan Club je nevaren projektil. … Nemogoče ga je popredalčkati. Zmuzljiv in vnetljiv je kot svoboda. Muzike se loteva neprizanesljivo. Nič mu ni sveto. Ruši konvencije. Bruha kot vulkan. Nastopa radikalno in napadalno, giblje se kot odporniško-partizanska gverila. Ikonoklastično melje vse pred sabo in ne prizanaša nikomur. … Brutalizem in tribalizem, bes in upor, divjost in šamanizem. Z intenzivnim, eksplozivnim in hipnotičnim elektro-industrail- rockovskim križancem Putan Club reže naravnost v rakavo tkivo razpadajočega človeštva in ga osvobaja. Če ste proti diskriminaciji; če ste proti podpihovanju nestrpnosti, proti delitvam in sovraštvom; če ste proti rasizmu, seksizmu, homofobiji, ksenofobiji, strankarski politiki, kapitalizmu in organizirani religiji, ste pravi za Putan Club.  DELO (SLO)

...Daudzo ārvalstu mūziķu koncertu lavīna šogad ir kā līdz galam vaļā atgriezts skābekļa krāns, no kura plūstošo tagad caur nule atmaskoto degunu jāvelk iekšā, cik plaušās vietas, jo tā vēl nekad nav bijis, ka pie mums viena gada laikā taisās Dead Can Dance, The Cure, Sparks, Iron Maiden, Placebo, Eagles Of Death Metal, Gogol Bordello, Sigur Ros, Stings, Rošīna Mērfija u.c. Bet tie visi ir lielie koncerti, kur mēs dāsni atveram makus aiz gadu desmitiem ilgas cieņas pret šiem mūziķiem, kaut nekādu personisku kontaktu, loģiski, nedabūsim, jo ja visi, kuri pēc tā alkst, metīsies virsū, tad no tiem elkiem nekas pāri nepaliks. Tāpēc ļoti noderīgi ir pasekot līdzi, kas notiek mazākās vietās, jo dažādu iemeslu dēļ ne visiem, kas pie mums brauc, izdevies sasniegt Arēna Rīga vai vismaz Palladium mērogu, un varbūt viņiem tas nemaz nav bijis vajadzīgs, nevis nav izdevies? Paliekot neatkarīgiem no lielās šovbiznesa mašinērijas ar desmitiem starpnieku, savu klausītāju un to, ka viņš ir tev pateicīgs, var sajust daudz tiešāk, protams, ja no tā nav paniski bail.Otrdien Diagonālē uzstājās Putan Club - duets no Francijas un Itālijas, kur katrs no aptuveni divdesmit klausītājiem uz pusotru stundu kļuva par izredzēto, jo pat skatuves nebija un abi dueta dalībnieki svinēja savu mežonīgo rokenrola un reiva ballīti kopā ar publiku visu koncerta laiku. Ja lielās zvaigznes, satraukto drošībnieku stutētas un turētas aiz vadiem, reizēm mēdz iejukt pūlī koncerta kulminācijas brīdī, tad Putan Club kulminācijas līmeņa mērinstruments, ja tāds būtu, visu laiku kūpētu no pārkaršanas. Ja kādam vēlme ar klasificēšanu nodarboties, Putan Club iemet sejā penteri “FeministIndustrialAvantRockWorldTechnoSauvagerie” - tieciet ar to galā paši vai ejiet ieskrieties! Nopirku arī plati, bet tās bildi nelikšu, jo facebook tad mani, iespējams, nobloķētu uz kādu nedēļu. Ja man Dāvis Kaņepe par šo koncertu nepateiktu, es to palaistu garām un nemaz nenojaustu, ka turpmāko mūžu vadu maķenīt nabagāks, tāpat kā tie liepājnieki, kuri palaidīs garām savu iespēju– ceturtdien (28.04) viņi atbrauks spēlēt arī pie jums. Ne Wiktorijā vai Kursas Putnos, Fontaine Palace vai Lielajā Dzintarā (protams), bet kādā vietā, kur nekad neesmu bijis (Wise - adrese: Alejas 9, Liepaja, Latvia-3401). Vietējie zinās. Progresīvie gan jau zinās labāk par tiem regresīvajiem. Šī nav partijas reklāma... ULDIS RUDAKS (LT)

Those who know me closely know. In this interview, Putan Club talks about the new release, political-social issues and concepts, the relationship with the public, their creative process and the way they see each show as an act of challenge and affirmation. A conversation that was more more than an exchange of questions and answers, a reflection of the essence of Irreversível. Fuck neutrality. That's resistance.  IRREVERSIVEL (P)

...Os Putan Club derramam música produzida nas entranhas e saída directamente das veias. Dificilmente os classificamos em algum segmento do rock, o som que criam é verdadeiramente único, mas num exercício meramente especulativo e redutor, pode-se dizer que cruzam os carris do Industrial, misturado com electro-punk-goth-jazz-rock, tudo destilado e enfiado pela goela abaixo da audiência. É improvável que fiques indiferente. (...) Os Putan Club são um soco no estômago dos cânones mainstream e/ou indie da indústria musical contemporânea. Vivem assumidamente nas franjas e para as franjas, frontalmente e sem dar azo a erradas interpertações: “Putan Club destina-se a uma célula de resistência” (…) “desde o beijo na boca até ao pontapé no rabo” (…) “Putan club não pertence a nenhuma igreja, rock, techno, jazz, avant, punk, world ou what-the-fuck-ever, mas reivindica o direito de ser tudo isso, ainda mais.“ (...) Um momento de resistência. (...) IRREVERSIVEL (P)

Un concentré explosif de liberté musical ET intellectuelle. (...) Sans étiquette autre que la sauvagerie à l’état pur. (...) Si vous lisez le détail de leurs tournées autour du monde, vous aurez le tournis et vous mettrez à rêver d’ailleurs (...) Le Putan Club n’est pas à la solde du marketing, des algorithmes, et du show biz en recherche de profit. Evidemment on peut compter sur eux sur les barricades de la libre pensée et de la révolte justifiée en ces temps déraisonnables...

An explosive concentrate of musical AND intellectual freedom. (...) Without any label other than pure savagery. (...) If you read the details of their tours around the world, you will get dizzy and start dreaming of elsewhere (...) The Putan Club is not in the pay of marketing, algorithms, and show biz in search of profit. Obviously we can count on them on the barricades of free thought and justified revolt in these unreasonable times...  SONGAZINE (F)