putan club + uznitsa sovesti - en

putan club  +
uznitsa sovesti


feminism, avant-rock, avant-dance,  techno, ethno, electronics & activism





"The world is rotting in a well-being which is nothing but selfishness, stupidity, ignorance, gossip, moralism, constraint, conformism:

contributing in any way to this rot is, now, fascism."  Pier Paolo Pasolini (Vie Nuove n.36, sept. 1962)


The Russians are our friends. Not their government, nor ours for that matter.

Every year, the Putan Club invites an artist to tour together.

In 2024, the Estonian performer Valge Tüdruk was on their roads for around ten concerts.

In April 2025, to try to counter this Western hatred/doxa towards Russians,

the Putan Club invites the musician Iuliia Litvinenko (from Kolpashevo, north of Tomsk, Siberia)

with her project Узница Совести / Uznitsa Sovesti (prisoner of conscience).

There will be no comfort zone.

Feminism, avant-rock, avant-dance, techno, ethno, noise, electronics & activism.

Period : 01 - 28 April 2025

3 people on the road. No back-line needed.

Playlist Soundcloud

Technical & hospitality Riders
Pics & audio



Tel.: +33 (0)6 69 06 57 21   

« How did we miss this? A band is taking the roof off the venue. Like a crush collusion between Young Gods, Nine Inch Nails and even the early Ants when things get tribal with their more chanting ethno vocals and big rhymes, Putan Club have an astonishing and original sound and the live show is enormous. The audience is transfixed by the Italian/French two-piece who are so perfect and so stunning that you stand there open-mouthed at their brilliance. Putan Club are a stunning revelation. A medusa curls haired woman dealing bass filth with a perfect groove and a bequiffed man on guitar twitching with expectation. They then literally just explode. Their drum machine takes up the rhythm chores and the seering catchy riffs are delivered with a noisenik venom and raw power. There is the clank and grind of industrial and the forward vision of post-punk and an almighty groove of death disco which bites into raw Africa then crunch into primal funk. They are the best band that I should have heard of. The band are now an LTW priority that you must listen to. Now !!! »     John Robb - LOUDER THAN WAR (UK)


putan club

italy / france

The Putan Club is intended as a resistance cell, characterized by a mode of doing (force actions in various places)very close to the first plots of European partisans during the last world war and today by opponents from all over the world.

Resistance is organized by the archaic and immediate means of our century : electric voices and rumors, tanks and counted words, like saying from cave painting to the most daring conceptualism, from avant-rock to contemporary classical music more brutal techno/house, from the kiss on the mouth to the kick in the ass....

A duo, from Italy and France, based between Agrigento and Faro. Voices, guitars, bass & computer. The PUTAN CLUB is standing for feminism, electricity, electronics & savagery - as if Jeff Mills violated The Birthday Party: groove and high tension. Trance, Dance and Challenge.

The Putan Club does not belong to any church (rock, techno, jazz, avant, punk, world or what-the-fuck-ever) but claims the right to be all that, even more. And proved it, from Laâyoune to Beijing. Finally, the PUTAN CLUB collaborates regularly with other demons such as Lydia Lunch, Eugene S. Robinson or Denis Lavant.

With an average of over 150 concerts a year, over 2000 concerts since its creation, regularly on Tour in Europe, China, Turkey, Africa and Central Asia as well as part of numerous festivals as Bazant Pohoda ( SK), Tomorrow Fest (Shenzhen, RPC), Milhoes ( PT), Croisements festival (Beijing, RPC), Amplifest (PT), the PUTAN CLUB is iconoclastic, violent, groovy and and resolutely feminist-revolutionary.

"How did we miss this? A band is taking the roof off the venue. Like a crush collusion between Young Gods, NIN, and even the early Ants when things get tribal with their more chanting ethno vocals and big rhymes, Putan Club have an astonishing and original sound and the live show is enormous. The audience is transfixed by the Italian/French two-piece who are so perfect and so stunning that you stand there open-mouthed at their brilliance. Putan Club are a stunning revelation. A medusa curls haired woman dealing bass filth with a perfect groove and a bequiffed man on guitar twitching with expectation. They then literally just explode. Their drum machine takes up the rhythm chores and the seering catchy riffs are delivered with a noisenik venom and raw power. There is the clank and grind of industrial and the forward vision of post-punk and an almighty groove of death disco crunching into primal funk. They are the best band that I should have heard of. The band are now an LTW priority that you must listen to. Now! " John Robb - LOUDER THAN WAR (UK, 2023)


"...Every Putan Club gig is a kick in the face of modern music and its industry. ...They are defiant not because it’s cool to do so, but because that is what they are at their core : non-conformists...

Insubordination : that is Putan Club..."   MUSIC & RIOTS MAGAZINE (UK)


Gianna Greco :                     bass, vox, electronics

François R. Cambuzat :      guitars, vox, computer, electronics





Videos :
    Filles de Mai


    State of French Capitalism / Etat du capitalisme français

    Pedro Pinho's movie "A fàbrica de nada", Fipresci prize, Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, Cannes Festival 2017.
Mark Zuckerberg's Money Maker

yзница cовести - uznitsa sovesti

Froid & désespoir de Sibérie, Russie. Punk, rap & noise.

Uznitsa Sovesti est un projet de la musicienne Julia Dankevich de Tomsk, en Russie. Tomsk est une ville de province d'un demi-million d'habitants où la température descend en dessous de 40 degrés Celsius.

Le son mélange punk, rap et noise. Les paroles d’Uznitsa Sovesti sont une chronique frénétique de nombreux traumatismes liés à la sexualité des jeunes et à la toxicomanie. Inspirée par l'approche musicale du British Esoteric Underground, Uznitsa Sovesti est une performance solo cauchemardesque, propulsant d'autres vérités humaines simples : gentillesse, union, autodiscipline dans une réalité sociale, aussi sombre et cruelle qu'elle puisse être.


Chant, performance, agitprop, electronics.





Vidéos en concert